This is a little late, but I know many people were writing something they were thankful for each day until Thanksgiving. I knew I needed to reflect on some of the things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving, so I decided to write 26 things of thankfulness. One for each day of November until Thanksgiving. I know there are so many more than 26 and I could probably break each one down x100, but for time sake I'll stick with 26. So in no particular order here you go:
1) I am thankful for my Savior. Each and everyday I see God's amazing grace working in my life. It is he who has provided everything which I am thankful for. Without Him, my life would be empty and hopeless.
2)I am thankful for my husband and his friendship. He is such a wonderful husband and father. He would do anything to provide for his family.
3)I am thankful for my beautiful daughter. I love watching her grow and learn new things. Being a mommy is more wonderful than I have ever imagined.
4)I am thankful for all of my friends. Good friends are hard to find and I have been very blessed. Whether they're close friends who are like family or friends who I don't get to chat with or see very often, I'm thankful for each and every one of them.
5)I am thankful for my Dad. He taught me what a real dad really should be, and he was always there for my family growing up. He is a very caring person and is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need.
6) I am thankful for my mom. She is the only one who has ever been there for me through everything. She worked hard to make sure I had everything I ever needed and then some when I was growing up. She never wanted me to feel like I was missing out on anything. She is a wonderful "gammy" to Adelynn.
7) I am thankful for my brother. I feel like I waited so long for sibling and couldn't be more excited when I finally got a brother. I have enjoyed watching him grow into the wonderful person he is.
8)I am thankful for my church and church family. It's wonderful to have a warm and inviting place to go worship. I have to remind myself that not everyone has the same opportunities.
9)I am thankful for my mother in law. She did a wonderful job raising the man I married and would do anything to help us out. She is such a good grandmother to Adelynn.
10)I am thankful for my father in law. He is very handy and is always helping us out around the house with things. He can fix just about anything that's broken. He has such a soft spot for Adelynn and loves being a grandpa.
11) I am thankful for my sister in law. She is a wonderful coach, teacher, and aunt. She is very passionate about what she does and I hope Adelynn carries some of her determination.
12) I am thankful for my brother in law and his wife. We don't see them very often but they are very fun and loving people. They say they don't want children but they are so good with Adelynn.
13) I am very thankful for all of my extended family and Brian's extended family. My family doesn't get together as often as I like, but they are all very supportive of each other. I am blessed to have married into a big family who gets together often and cares so much for each other.
14) I am thankful for my grandparents and great grandparents that are still around for Adelynn to know, and I am thankful for the memories of those who have passed. I hope she comes to know them just as well, even though she will never meet them face to face.
15)I am thankful for the children I babysit for. They are wonderful kids who I love just as much as my own. They make me want a big family. I love the laughter they bring!
16)I am thankful for the parents of the children I babysit who have trusted me in the care of their children. They are loving parents who have raised great children. It's their support and encouragement that make me enjoy it so much.
17) I am thankful for the house I have to live in. Even though I may complain it's small or needs a lot of work, it's a home..and for that I am grateful.
18) I am thankful for the food on our table. I LOVE food and I could probably go into specifics about all the types of food I'm thankful for, but I won't do that. I'm just thankful to have food in our house to eat!
19) I am thankful for my health and the health of my family. I pray everyday we will not ever have to experience some of the heartache other families have had to face with health issues. My heart goes out to them.
20) I am thankful for my car. It gets me to where I need to be and it sure beats walking. :)
21) I am thankful for our golden retriever, Chance. Although I whine about having to clean up his hair and how much work he is to take care of, he is such a good dog. I couldn't imgaine our family without him. He is so good with Adelynn and the other children.
22) I am thankful for a hot shower every morning. Not everyone is so blessed to have a shower everyday (ha!)..let alone a hot one.
23) I am thankful for the sunshine. It can turn a bad day into a good one.
24) I am thankful for a warm bed to sleep in. I love my bed and it loves me too. Somedays I really don't want to leave it, but it's always right there waiting me for to come back.
25) I am thankful for a new day. When my feet hit the floor (from my warm bed), I am thankful to have another day to live.
26) And finally, I'm thankful for hard times. I know that sounds crazy, but they make me stronger and wiser and the good times even better. They simply remind me of all I have to be thankful for.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!!!!!!

It has been such a long week for us!! Brian has been fighting the flu so we have pretty much been stuck inside for the weekend! We were so excited to dress Miss Adelynn up as a ladybug for her first Halloween, but with Brian being sick we weren't able to go out as planned. We still got her all dressed up at home and she and I managed to make it over to my parents house for a short visit! She got very excited over her costume!

It has been such a long week for us!! Brian has been fighting the flu so we have pretty much been stuck inside for the weekend! We were so excited to dress Miss Adelynn up as a ladybug for her first Halloween, but with Brian being sick we weren't able to go out as planned. We still got her all dressed up at home and she and I managed to make it over to my parents house for a short visit! She got very excited over her costume!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Everyday I wake up I am reminded just how blessed I truely am. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful little girl, and wonderful friends. Next week, our baby girl will be 9 months old. It's hard to believe how quickly 9 months has passed us by, yet I am so amazed by how much she has taught me over the short time she has been in our lives. I often find myself worrying and stressing over even the most trivial things, but Adelynn is helping me to realize it's sometimes just much easier to let things be. I'm learning it's ok to let her explore and not be right behind her pulling her away from things. I want her to be safe, but I don't want to hold her back from learning and experiencing things on her own. My house may not always be spotless... There may be pots and pans all over my kitchen floor, laundry which has not been folded and now thrown all over, and I may even ocassionally find a piece of the dogs food in her mouth (I know, gross! And GERMS..that's a whole other story for another time) but I love watching her explore and learn. So for now, I am going to try my hardest not to stress over my house being orderly and neat and let her just play and enjoy herself!
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