Our house has a way of swallowing things into thin air, never to be seen again. Like last year when we lost the remote to our DVD player. It was about the same time we hosted our home group here at our house, and realizing we couldn't find the remote anywhere, we were unable to watch the DVD for our lesson. An embarrassing moment, to say the least. Not to mention the loss of this remote ended in a completely new DVD player/surround sound system. And a little over a year later, that remote has yet to be found.
At the time, Adelynn had an obsession with throwing stuff away. We were constantly digging through the trash, pulling lost items out, and sanitizing. So, of course, the only thing we could think of was the remote had been thrown away and taken out for trash pick-up before we could get to it. Although, blaming Adelynn such things isn't entirely fair, since I have also been know to accidentally throw things away. Take for example, just a few weeks ago, I threw away $20. Yep, $20. Two $10 bills stuffed inside of Easter eggs went into the trash. The trash went out on Tuesday morning, and on Wednesday morning Brian asked me what I did with the money. Oops.
Then there was also the time we had a baby doll completely disappear from our house. It was a doll I didn't particularly care for, because of it's really annoying laugh. To this day, Brian still swears I was the one who "accidentally" threw it away because I couldn't stand the noise it made. That exact doll has yet to be found, though it did come back to haunt us again when Adelynn's Great, Great Grandma sent us another baby that made the same identical noise. It figures, since it was the one lost thing I could have done without!
So last night, it came as no surprise to us when our TV remote came up missing. After all, as Dr Phil would say, this isn't our first rodeo (I've always wanted to say that!). It was with us until around noon yesterday and I completely forgot I hadn't seen it until Brian came home from work asking where the remote went. He went scouring through Adelynn's toys, turning over couch cushions, using a flashlight to peek into cracks and corners. He likes his remote, ya know.
This morning, the remote was still nowhere to be seen. I asked Adelynn several times through breakfast where the remote was, having a small inkling she may just know where it was hiding. Sure enough, about mid-morning, she came running out of the corner of the room shouting "here it is, here it is! I found it!". And when I asked her to show me where it was, she pointed to the cushion of Lillian's swing. Apparently, she had tucked it underneath the swing cushion! No wonder Lillian didn't want to be in her swing last night....
I suppose it's time for us to start getting a better handle on things around here before I lose my mind. Or perhaps that's already be gone. :)
Happy Tuesday!