Yesterday afternoon I got the urge to start organizing closets and cabinets. It doesn't happen very often, so when it does I go with it. Sweeping through the house doing as much as I can before the fire in me burns out, knowing full well if something else catches my attention, it'll be all over with.
Lillian was sleeping in her swing as I made my way through the house. Adelynn followed closely behind, picking up everything I pulled from behind closed doors and asking questions like "what's that" and making remarks like "that's mine's", or my favorite, "that's me's".
As I started organizing one of the cabinets above our kitchen counter, Adelynn stood on her tip toes and pointed up to her gummy-vites. "I want those", she said. "No, you already had your vitamins today", I said as finished putting things back in their place. So she settled for a few jellybeans. As I walked into the laundry room to throw some trash away, she followed behind and on into the family room. Noticing the trash was full, I changed the bag and carried it out to the garage.
When I walked back through the back door, I caught Adelynn standing on her small chair. It's not the first time she has stood on her chair from her little table--She often gets scolded for it and both chairs taken away for a short time. But this time, my heart sank. As she turned toward me from the counter, an empty vitamin bottle in her hand. "I ate them!", she exclaimed. You what!? YOU ATE THEM!?, I shrieked. Stunned, she slowly shook her head and pointed to her lips. "Yeah, in my mouth.."
My mind started racing as I reached for the phone--"how did she get them open?", "how harmful can this be to her?", "how many did she eat?", "it couldn't have been that many, right?, "the bottle was almost empty..", "about 10? ..yeah, it had to be no more than 10"..
While I spoke on the phone to woman with poison control, Adelynn jumped in circles around me giggling, completely unfazed by what had just occurred. The sweet lady on the other end assured me she would be just fine. The children's gummy vitamins did not contain iron, which would have been a cause for concern if they had. She also said Adelynn probably hadn't consumed enough to make her sick.
And as breathed a sigh of relief, I began to feel embarrassed.
"I'm not quite sure how she got them open", I said as my shoulders sank. I thought to myself, "This lady surely has to be thinking 'if she would have just been watching her kid'.."
"They can be little magician's", she sweetly replied.
Yes. Yes they can...
And so Adelynn and I had a nice talk about how vitamins are NOT candy. And while, yes, they can be good for you, they can also hurt you if you eat too many. Not to mention listening to mommy when she says "no". A conversation which seemed eerily familiar..
Perhaps we both needed to be reminded.