Monday, March 14, 2011

The due date.

Today is the day we were expecting our sweet Lillian to arrive, but God had other plans for her, and we couldn't be happier to have her here with us already. Just seven short months ago, we saw her tiny heart beating on the screen. Our little bean. And in that moment, she became so real to us. March 14th became etched in our minds..we anticipated the day, marked it on our calendar, and told anyone who cared to know. We were having our second baby, and we were thrilled.

As the months passed, I played her birth day out in my mind. We had found out we were having another girl and I was so excited Adelynn would have a little sister. Sisters. I loved it. I had always wanted a sister, and now my girls were going to have each other. I imagined Adelynn seeing her little sister for the first time after she was born. Coming in to meet her wearing her big sister shirt.

When Christmas came, I remember talking about how in just a few months, we would be meeting our baby girl for the first time. Little did we know, we would be meeting her in just 6 days.

When I was life flighted to St Vincent's that Tuesday, I was completely oblivious to any danger I was in. I pleaded with God. Please, please, please keep my baby safe. I remember feeling, sad, alone, guilty, angry. My body was failing me. I was in a hospital and unable to care for my daughter at home, and I was failing to provide for the baby inside me.

My faith was being tested. I knew in my heart God had a plan, I just needed to put my trust in him. I needed to let go and give it to God. It was out of my was in God's hands. So I prayed. You prayed. We all prayed.

 Prayer is so powerful. And I saw the hand of God work in miraculous ways right before my eyes....

It still breaks my heart to look at these pictures and see her hooked up to everything.

It's hard to believe she's been with us for 10 whole weeks already.

God is so good.


Anonymous said...

oh, how I've thought of you all morning! march was the day we'd anticipated together. you are so right though - God had different plans for miss Lillian's arrival! He is good - all day long!! we've all learned a little more about faith - it's been an honor to be a part of Lillian's journey the past 10 weeks...what a beautiful blessing!!

Anonymous said...

that was me...forgot to sign my name!!

Kristen said...

A marvelous miracle indeed!