She fell asleep with in 2 minutes of this photo being taken, and just 10 minutes from home. I didn't even know what had just happened. She woke up with a smile on her face when we pulled in our driveway. She seemed perfectly happy, as though she didn't even remember the whole McDonald's scene. And she didn't even want to nap again the rest of the afternoon. Whew!
Closet horrors: I've come to the realization, almost 3 months since Lillian's been born, I have absolutely nothing in my closet that fits anymore. The predicament: My jeans are too tight and my shirts too short. The solution: We're (as in my husband too) going to start ridding our diet of junk food this week and we're going to start eating healthier. Which means, no more chocolate and pop for me--this could get ugly. The mere fact that I absolutely hate clothes shopping for myself should be a good motivation to start losing some weight. The last thing I want to do is have to find all new clothes to wear. Don't get me wrong, I like getting new clothes, I just don't like the time it takes to find them. Like, it would be a dream come true to have a personal shopper. What Not To Wear, anyone?! I could shop all day long for my girls, but when it comes to me, it usually ends in exhaustion and tears.
Sisterly love:
I never get tired of seeing her love on her sister.
Getting out of the house: Our usual outings have become quite an adventure for us lately. They normally begin about an hour to an hour and a half as normally scheduled and end about 3 hours later than planned. And they have to be timed just right in between feedings, making it slightly difficult since Lillian has been wanting to nurse every 2 hours. Which also requires squeezing into fitting rooms, bathroom stalls, and nursing rooms (Thank you Babies R' Us). What was supposed to be a morning trip to Toledo yesterday turned into quite the excursion. Three feedings, 2 car stops to calm a crying baby, and 7 hours later, we finally made it back home. And we didn't even have Adelynn with us! But, regardless of the hassle, it's nice to get out now and then.
New Favorite: Adelynn's new thing is our wedding album. She loves pulling it out and picking out all the people she knows. I keep putting it away only to find she has it out once again. When I found her with it again for the 5th time the other day, she asked me to "sit down" and look at it with her.
When my mom came over later in the day, she asked her to sit down and look at it with her, too. She quickly pointed to Brian's mom and said "Grandma's hair is a train wreck". Uhhh...ok. We later found out Brian's mom had told her once her hair was a train wreck. Ohh, the things she remembers.... :)
Healthy Baby: She's doing so well....
She's up to 6lbs 1oz now. Out of her preemie clothes and into her newborns clothes...what a big girl! I'm continuely amazed by her. She's been through so much in her 3 short months here. I thank God daily for our little miracle; for His faithfulness through it all. She's hit so many milestones already, and I'm looking forward to watching her grow in the coming months and years to come...
And so I'll end with this..
On April 30th, we're walking in March for Babies. Because the issue of prematurity has become so dear to my heart and because I know not everyone has the same outcome we had. The money we raise will help support programs that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies. And it will also fund research to find answers to the problems that threaten babies. So I'm asking you to please help us out. You can do that here: Thank you for supporting us and giving all babies hope.
So with that, Have a good week all...and enjoy the sunshine!
Holly- I always love your blog entries! I can relate to the tantrums bit :) Lillian is sure filling out! Getting to be such a big girl!
We are very much in the same stage of life right now. I totally relate to the whole clothes in the closet don't fit thing. The agony of shopping for new clothes is time consuming and frustrating thing. The I am cleaning up my diet so the clothes in my closet fit again thing. And boy oh boy do I understand how outings with a newborn is plain crazy with all the feedings and random crying moments. What a fun, crazy time this part of motherhood is.
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