Friday, April 1, 2011

I cheated.

Ok, so I didn't really cheat. But yesterday I saved everything up for this one little treat...

I ate healthy all day. So when Brian walked through the door last night from I work, I confidently said "I'm getting ice cream tonight." I didn't even need to wait long for a response, because he said...

No explanation needed...
And then he said, "Get the expletive, expletive camera out of my face."

OK. (He's a little grouchy after work sometimes!)

So we both got ice cream. Plus we were celebrating...

And who could say no to that. :)


Kristen said...

haha, i'm giggling over the grouchy-after-work statement. That can be Mike too!

DQ's butterfinger blizzards are my favorite. I have done so good too in eating healthier. There is just something wonderful in proving to yourself you do have the will-power. Then with the extra added bonus of dropping a few LB's is nice too.

Holly said...

Too funny. :)

Yum..I like the butterfinger blizzards, too! And you might be happy to know they actually have the least calories. :) I chose the Reese's peanut butter cup blizzard this time!