You are mobile now, crawling around everywhere and getting into everything you can get your hands on. I love watching you explore the world around you. No more sitting and observing for're on the move, and you're ready to take the world by storm. I am thrilled! Your sister on the other hand, is probably the least happy of us all, as you have now learned that her toys are simply more interesting than yours. Actually, if you're not supposed to be playing with, you're right there! I love this about you--your curiousity, your big brown, inquistive eyes.
Because of your inquistive nature, we made a little play area for you. Being gated doesn't always make you very happy with me, but other times you don't seem to mind it.
You love to sleep and you love to eat. These things make me happy, too! You still eat your cereal and baby food, but you also want to eat everything we're eatng too. We definitely can't call you picky, as you rarely pass up any form of food. This is a very good thing.
I took you in for a weight check the other day and you are doing great, catching up on your growth and your development.You are 14lbs 1oz. I compared this to your sister at the same age and she was 17lbs 8oz. Not too bad! You have hit every milestone for your adjusted age and you are even hitting some for your chronological age! The nurse and doctor were very pleased, as the gap between your 9 month check and now is the largest jump in progress we have seen from you. I am so proud of you.
Tomorrow, you're going to be a year old. I choke up at the thought of this. Not just at the thought of how quickly that first year has passed, but also the thought of how much you have progressed in that year. Born at 29 and 4/7 weeks gestation, weighing 2lbs 7oz, you soared through your 6 week stay at the hospital. Coming home at 4lbs 3oz--no medicatons, no monitors, no treatments. Nothing. You never got sick, never had any infections, never needed any surgeries, and you never had any return visits to the hospital. Wow, that is amazing! God is SO good. And you, are His miracle.
We love you, Lillian Faith, and we are so thankful for you and the joy you bring to us.
We are all so blessed to have Lillian in our family.
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