Friday, December 30, 2011

11 months.

Sweet Lillian, month 11 has been so much fun!
You are mobile now, crawling around everywhere and getting into everything you can get your hands on. I love watching you explore the world around you. No more sitting and observing for're on the move, and you're ready to take the world by storm. I am thrilled! Your sister on the other hand, is probably the least happy of us all, as you have now learned that her toys are simply more interesting than yours. Actually, if you're not supposed to be playing with, you're right there! I love this about you--your curiousity, your big brown, inquistive eyes.

You are also the best vacuum I have ever had! If it's on the floor, you'll find it. It could be the smallest piece of fuzz or paper..nothing gets by you. That's ok, you're just teaching me I need to keep my house cleaner!:)
Because of your inquistive nature, we made a little play area for you. Being gated doesn't always make you very happy with me, but other times you don't seem to mind it.
You love to sleep and you love to eat. These things make me happy, too! You still eat your cereal and baby food, but you also want to eat everything we're eatng too. We definitely can't call you picky, as you rarely pass up any form of food. This is a very good thing.
I took you in for a weight check the other day and you are doing great, catching up on your growth and your development.You are 14lbs 1oz. I compared this to your sister at the same age and she was 17lbs 8oz. Not too bad! You have hit every milestone for your adjusted age and you are even hitting some for your chronological age! The nurse and doctor were very pleased, as the gap between your 9 month check and now is the largest jump in progress we have seen from you. I am so proud of you.
Tomorrow, you're going to be a year old. I choke up at the thought of this. Not just at the thought of how quickly that first year has passed, but also the thought of how much you have progressed in that year. Born at 29 and 4/7 weeks gestation, weighing 2lbs 7oz, you soared through your 6 week stay at the hospital. Coming home at 4lbs 3oz--no medicatons, no monitors, no treatments. Nothing. You never got sick, never had any infections, never needed any surgeries, and you never had any return visits to the hospital. Wow, that is amazing! God is SO good. And you, are His miracle.
We love you, Lillian Faith, and we are so thankful for you and the joy you bring to us.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We're still here.

I have a confession to make. I totally haven't been feeling the inspiration to blog. Other than the occasional return about once a month to give updates on my growing kids, it just hasn't been happening. My kids are what motivated me.  And while I do enjoy sharing and documenting what is happening in our lives, just like anything else, if I don't intentially set aside time to do it, it just simply doesn't get accomplished. And I could tell you I'm just super busy and haven't found a single minute to sit and write, but the truth is, I've put way too many things before the blog. pinterest. And if you haven't checked out pinterest, I encourage you to! There are lots of cool things to be found on there. It's a fun site where you can share your interests with others and get inspired by others interests. But just a little warning: it IS addicting, and if you're not careful you can end up wasting a whole lot of time on there. For those of you who are familiar with pinterest, you know this already.

So this morning, as I baked brownies, I got the urge. The little spark that says, life is good. Christmas is 6 days away, Adelynn is more excited than ever,  and my baby is just 12 days away from turning 1. We survived another year, and an eventful year at that. A year when there were times I thought we wouldn't make it through. But by the grace of God we are here, and we are blessed.

Here's what we've really been doing:

On Friday, Santa showed up on our doorstep. That's right. The jolly man came for a visit. Actually, it was Brian's uncle, who by the way, plays a really good Santa.

He even read a story to Adelynn about why the kids leave cookies for Santa and gave her a plate and mug for his cookies and milk.
 I loved seeing the excitment in Adelynn's face. She stood a good distance away frantically waving when he walked through the door. I think she was a little taken back, but she quickly warmed right up to him.
 Lillian, on the other hand, was not as excited. She did great with her first Santa visit, but when the strange looking man actually stepped into her house, she wanted nothing to do with it.

I do sometimes struggle with the whole Santa thing, having some scary looking man sneek into your house while you sleep and leaving gifts. And while I want my kids to know what Christmas is really about, remembering the most important gift God has given us, I also want them to be kids.

So, yes, we'll do Christmas with Santa and gifts. But we'll also celebrate the birth Jesus. We are looking forward to tomorrow when we attend a birthday party for Him with friends. It will be fun!

Potty training

We have days, and even weeks, where we are right on, everytime. And then we have days where we miss...everytime.

Today was a day we missed.

This picture was taken after the third change of pants, chosen by Adelynn, of course.
 There are days I feel like we may never make it there. But we will. Hopefully.

Tomorrow is a new day.

This girl is so close to crawling...
I'm confident it's going to happen very soon. She gets so frustrated trying to get around, especially when she has her eye on something.

She seems to be working on some teeth too. All this just in time for a first birthday.

First birthday. One. My heart gets stuck in my throat when I say those words. The emotions of when she was born are still so raw, it's hard to believe it happened a year ago. But it did. And now we're getting ready to celebrate what the year has brought us.

For now, I have to go get ready for a special Christmas party we're having tomorrow. It's going to be fabulous.
 Happy Day. Merry Christmas. Happy Birthday Jesus.

It's going to be a great week!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

10 months old!

Yes, I'm late. So late, in fact, that today, you are actually 11 months old. And though I'll try my hardest not to be so late for your 11th month, I kind of enjoyed waiting until later in the month to write your post. It's so fun to see how much you've changed from the beginning of one month to the end. This month delivered, and I saw your personality come out more than ever.
You're trying so hard to crawl and get frustrated when you have your eye on something out of your reach. You'll stretch as far as you can from a sitting position until you fall forward, face first, and stretch your legs out till you're on your belly. It's not graceful by any means, and quite funny to witness. Then you try  your hardest to move forward to get to what you want. Most of the time you end up sliding backward...I think you may end up being a belly crawler rather than a hands and knees crawler.

You love to give and get kisses and you even make little kissing noises. When someone kisses you on the cheek, you giggle and lean in for more. I love this.

You are such a little chatter box. You can talk, and talk, and talk. You say "dada" and "mama" pretty clearly. And though we haven't heard you actually say any other words, you will often mimic sounds like "ooo", "ahhh" and "hiiiii". Especially if your sister says them.  You think she's pretty big stuff. And still, nobody can make you laugh quite like she does.

You're still petite, but I'm not sure that will ever change. I am anxious to see how much you weigh, since we haven't got a weight on you since your 9 month check. Despite your size, you can eat like no other. You really know how to put food away, and when you see us eating you demand to be fed too. You are still a huge fan of your cereal with your fruits mixed in. You also love bananas, toast, crackers, and're becoming pretty good at picking up small pieces of food and eating them by yourself. It just doesn't seem like you should be old enough to be doing this.

You still sleep in our room with us, though you rarely wake during the night. Even though you will share a room with your sister, I still haven't trusted to put you in there with her at night, as I'm afraid she might get excited and wake you..:) I love coming into our room when you wake up, rolling over onto your belly, pushing yourself up with your hands, and stretching your neck as far as you can to see over the side, watching intently for us to enter the room. It makes me laugh, everytime.

When we were at your friend Mollie's house, you tried out her jumper and you loved it, so we just recently found one just like hers for you. It's your new favorite thing. You get so excited and move your little legs fast. It's pretty comical to watch. And I love how entertaining it is for you.

You grab for anything you can get your hands on and everything, of course, goes straight to your mouth. I can already tell once you figure out how to move you're going to be getting into all of those things you've had your eye on.

It's been such a fun, busy month. I have loved watching you learn so much this month. From talking more to moving more, I am amazed day after day by how quickly you are changing before my eyes.

We love you, bean!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

9 months.

I waited well into your 9th month to write your letter, but boy am I glad I did. There is so much changing about you! You have continued to amaze me with how much you're growing and learning each day.
You're sitting up all by yourself now..
This is something you have been working on in physical therapy. Which you are doing fantastic with, by the way. You work hard during your short time there, often leaving tired from your little workout session. It's paying off, sweet girl.
Since you've mastered rolling, you now use it to get anything you have your eye on. You can make it across the room in a matter of seconds. It has become a great source of entertainment for us. Who needs crawling when you can just roll?
You babble and chat with anyone who will lend you an ear. We are constantly repeating "momma" and "dadda" to you hoping you will pick it up. You are trying, for sure. And your dad is certain you said "dadda" today.
At your 9 month well check you weighed 11lbs 13oz and measured at 24 inches long. You are still petite, just barely making it onto the charts for your adjusted age of 6 months. Your head, though, is right up there on the charts with the big kids..your daddy says you get that from him. :) You're filling out your carseat more now, though. Such a difference from when we first brought you home..

You think your sister is pretty great. You get so excited when she talks to you and plays with you. You watch her closely taking in her every move..
She gave you just the reassurance you needed the other day--those leaves aren't all that scary! In fact, they're kind of fun! :)
You love to eat. Cereal is still your favorite. We usually just mix your fruits in, since you don't seem to like those as much.

Bathtime is your favorite time of the day. You LOVE the water. You kick and splash and talk. You especially love it if your sister takes a bath with you. You think this is pretty fun and you like to mimic her when she splashes.
It has been so fun watching you grow and learn these last 9 months. What a joy you have been..We are so very thankful for you.
We love you, Lillian Faith.

Happy 9 Months!

Monday, September 26, 2011

A comparison.

Yesterday Lillian wore one of Adelynn's old dresses and I had to laugh at how completely different they look. I did a comparison awhile back when Lillian was younger. I think as young babies they did look very similar, but I'm definitely not seeing it anymore...They are completely opposite--in both looks and personality... :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Feeling blessed.

Yesterday, we made a return visit back St. Vincent's..The hospital we so anxiously left 7 months ago. And when I thought about this as we walked through the doors, I was in disbelief that it was really that long ago. And even after 7 months, I still got chills as I walked through the halls--a pit in my stomach. Having to leave my baby in the hospital and watching her fight through the first few weeks of her life was one of the hardest things I think I've ever had to do.
Looking back now, I'm also realizing it was one of the most rewarding times as well--watching her grow and thrive, overcoming so many obstacles. Experiencing the amazing power of prayer firsthand. Growing in my faith more than ever and learning to trust God even in the hardest times.
Not to mention having the opportunity to meet so many amazing people..

My nurse, Sue, who hugged me and prayed with me during the days leading up to Lillian being born, who assured me I was in the right place and I was going to be ok, and more importantly, so was my baby.  She even rushed in at 5:00 in the morning on her day off when she heard I was about to go in for an emergency c-section so she could be my attending nurse in the delivery room.

The other attending nurse, Hope, who held my hand and cried with me when they told me they were going to have to deliver the baby NOW, at 29 weeks.

The doctor who took our last ultrasound right before the c-section. His comforting smile and the warmth in his eyes as he said she "looked beautiful and perfect", as though he hadn't delivered dozens of babies just like her before.

And the amazing NICU nurses and doctors, who took care of Lillian around the clock, who cheered her on and rejoiced in her milestones with us, and who were always assuring and encouraging us.

Yes, it was a very hard time, but God knew exactly what was to come. He had a plan beyond anything our minds could comprehend at the time. And we are so thankful for all we gained through the experience.

So yesterday we went back for Lillian's neonatal 6 month adjusted age clinic. They evaluated her and said she looked great. Other than some physical things we've been working on through physical therapy, they didn't see any concerns for her neurologically--a wonderful thing for us to hear! She is up to 11lbs 8oz now, which puts her in about the 3rd percentile for her adjusted age of  6 months. She's petite, but she's thriving. And that's more than anything we could ask for.
A successful appointment for Lillian, and another reminder of just how blessed we are!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A quote.

"May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us."
-Mother Teresa

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

8 months.

It has come and gone so quickly, yet the months before you were here with us seem so distant. You just fit into our family as if you've always been here...

At just under 11lbs, it's hard to view you as 8 months old, though you are only 6 months by your adjusted age. People often look shocked when they ask your age and find you are much old than you appear. Your personality would show otherwise, though. Yes, you are petite but your personality is big and strong.

I love to hear you coo, babble and laugh. It melts my heart when I hear you giggle out loud. Your new thing is sticking out your tongue and blowing spit everywhere. You do it when you get excited, and you're quite good at it. You're proud of this new trick of yours, and you are quick to show it to anyone who is watching.

Your sister is still your favorite person to watch and she can still get you to laugh like no one else. She is loving that you are interacting with her more now, and you get so excited when she talks to you and plays with you.

You still sleep in our room with us. Not because you couldn't sleep in your crib, but because I simply like to have you close to me. You and your sister share a room now, even though you have never actually slept in there together. Occasionally you wake up during the night to eat, but for the most part you sleep right through.

You are eating a variety of fruits and vegetables now, but you really prefer your cereal. Your favorite food is bananas and your least favorite food is applesauce. You pretty much like all of your vegetables, though you don't take carrots as easily as you take the rest.

You are doing so well at physical therapy! Your therapist is always amazed at how well you're progressing every time she works with you, and so are we! You are using your arms more to push yourself up off the floor and you're rolling everywhere now. We can't put you up on the couch anymore, because you'd be sure to roll off! You are also getting very close to sitting up. We are so proud of you and the improvement you've shown. You're such a strong girl! I know there will come a day when we will never know you were born so early.

As much as I love watching you grow and learn new things, there is a small part of me that says "Just take your time. no need to rush." I know this time is fleeting, and I try so carefully not to push you to that next milestone. I'm enjoying this moment with you.

Happy 8 Months, Lillian Faith!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hello, Saturday!

My blog posts are becoming few and far between. Not because I don't like to sit and share what's going on, but because we've been so busy lately, life just hasn't presented many opportunities for quiet moments and time to sit without heavy eyes. So with a calm minute this morning as Adelynn watches a Barney video and Lillian plays on the floor,  I thought I'd give this a shot.


I've been so blessed to be able to stay home with my girls. I knew even before we had kids I wanted to stay home with them. When Adelynn was born, I wasn't sure I would be able to do this. Afterall, Brian and I had only been married for a year. Brian was fresh into a new job and I was just out of college and still paying for it (If only I had taken those Dave Ramsey classes just a little sooner!). But I was able too. And what has made it possible is by watching other children too. So every year around this time, we have four or five other children who come to live with us. Ok, so they don't necessarily  "live" with us, but they do join our lives on a daily basis and become part of our family. We love these kids and do our best to make sure when they come here they feel like this is home to them. It's been the first time we've had them all back since Lillian was born in December. So this week we've jumped right back into it. With four more kids added, our house has become lively and loud. I like to call it organized chaos. And I love it.
(We're a couple less here--we're missing Kate and Emilee!)

We moved both girls upstairs, so they now share a room. The room downstairs that used to be Adelynn's bedroom has now become a toy room. I love having both girls close to us upstairs, and it's nice to have a room downstairs where the kids can play and keep all of their toys. It's a work in progress with a few changes that still need to be made, but so far it has worked out really well.
I'm amazed by the changes I'm seeing in her.

Physical therapy is going very well and we're seeing tremendous improvement in her upper body strength. She's rolling over more and is able to lift her head up and support herself with her arms now. These were things she was unable to do when she first started therapy a little over a month ago.


Her imagination is budding and I love watching her play when I'm not looking. I'm not sure I like how fast she's growing up. I caught her on video last week and I couldn't help but laugh.


After a busy week, we're glad to have a weekend for some rest and recovery. I've been pretty stuffy and Lillian has her first cold--it's actually the first time she's ever been sick since coming home. I'm keeping a watchful eye on her, still nervous and not knowing how her body will handle even a small cold with the other complications she's had. But she's doing alright. A little stuffy and had a hard time getting comfortable last night, but still giving us lots of smiles and babbles this morning. So with that, we're planning on doing a whole lot of nothing this weekend. Hello, Saturday!
Happy Weekend!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Picnic In The Park.

Summer seems to be sleeping through our fingers right before our eyes. So after being sick for the last couple of weeks and being up with a baby who didn't sleep well last night, I was determined to make the most of today--to soak up as much as we can of these last few days of Summer.

Today, we decided to pack up and head to George Bible Park for a picnic. And even though the park is just a few minutes away, packing up young kids for something such as this still requires some effort, not always proving to be the easiest task. However, it's always well worth the work it takes to make it happen--to have these special moments with my girls.

Just to prove even a simple trip with 2 kids is never dull, we started off with the car running, both girls in their carseats, and me standing outside of the car..locked out by Adelynn. I spent about 5 minutes trying to explain to her from outside the car how to unlock the door. And when she was unable to unlock it, I spent another 3 minutes frantically searching for the spare key in our house. All of this of course, before we even left our driveway.

But nevertheless, we made it to the park and had a wonderful time. The weather was beautiful and it was a perfect day for a picnic..