Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lillian is 4 months.

It's hard to believe you've been with us for 4 months already. I am completely amazed by you, my strong little girl. And though, at 7lbs 7oz, you are still pretty small, you have quite a big personality devoloping.

You didn't care for your bottles all that much, so we decided to do away with them completely and you've done great, growing perfectly without them.  You're also starting to sleep a little better at night since we've stopped waking you to eat, sometimes going 5 or 6 hours in between feedings.

You prefer your momma over anyone else, and I love that. You're pretty selective with your smiles, but when you do give them it completely melts my heart. You love your sister and think she's pretty fun stuff. You watch her intently and smile when she's not looking. You like your swing, and when you're not being held it's where you'd prefer to be. And unlike your sister, you hate being in your carseat.

Your reflux is starting to get a little better since we switched your medication, which makes you a much happier baby and makes mommy feel better, too. It broke my heart to see it bothering you so much.

I thank God for you everyday, and I am so thankful he chose me to be your mommy. What a blessing you are, so precious and perfect in every way. We love you, Lillian Faith. Happy 4 months!


Brianne said...

happy 4 months Miss Lillian...what a precious girl you are!! can't wait to see all you'll do in the next 4...although it could go a little slower. we love you and praise God for you!!

Kristen said...

Happy 4 months to that beautiful little thing! Kobe thinks she's cute! ;)